Linda Persson16 maj 20201 min.Tack för köpet (och bilden)Jag är väldigt tacksam för all stöttning jag får som egen företagare med liten frilansfirma. Att någon valde att köpa två tavlor av mig...
Linda Persson25 juli 20161 min.MY FIRST COVER PHOTO... And it's a darn butterfly. I can't believe it! I am still in shock. I'm stunned. I'm a little bit upset it wasn't one of my car...
Linda Persson6 feb. 20151 min.Hit me 500 000Well, it happened over night... The big 500 000. What, you wonder? The 500 000th viewer of my car photos on youpic. It's been just about...
Linda Persson2 feb. 20151 min.FrustrationThere are days when everything seems to go against me. I am tired and frustrated and more tired. My job at the nursing home is sucking...
Linda Persson24 jan. 20151 min.The only way is upSo it's been a few days again. I've been fiddeling with my photos and what do you know? This morning I rank 295th on the total...
Linda Persson17 jan. 20151 min.Yin/yang-situationWazzup! Been home from work for a week now. Got the worst cold/flu/sinus infection ever. But not all is bad. I've been taking it easy...