I have had a few good photo shoots this year. Love when I get free hands to express my creativity in photography. I do listen to the customer's requests and then I interpret it my own way. So far I haven't had one disappointed buyer. I'm very happy.
I have joined a new contest page called Photocrowd. Live voting but without the chance of seeing who's ahead of you for cheating purposes and in random order. It's much more fair and nothing like Gurushots. I recommend it. Haven't won yet but doing alright. Second place is my best rank so far but I'm working on it. Got a jury's top ten position today for my macro mushroom on pine cone and 22nd in People's choice for the same one.
Rounding off this evening with a low key horse photo that I finally had the chance to take when a client wanted portraits of her horses. She let me play arpund the last minutes of the shoot and I'm so happy. (The black horse was chosen for the inspirational page on Youpic.)