August, my favorite month! Last month wasn't too bad either. This weekend I learned that I was a finalist in the Image of the month contest on Viewbug - again! I can't believe it. (58 800 other photos!)
The thing is, after a while, if paying attention to details, you get a hang of what's working for others.
Not saying I will make the top 10 every month now. It's also about who votes etc. but all in all.
I make many Top Class awards on Viewbug nowadays. During the seven months I've been a member (which has over a million users i heard) I have received 9 awards of different kinds.
* Two people's choice, which I am very proud of.
Anyways, time flies. In two weeks we have the Bollekollen Roll-In. I hope for a good turn out and good weather.
To round today off:
My female photographer friends made my photo the Cover of the day on "Kvinnliga Fotografer" on Facebook. A very humbling and honoring gesture.
As I called the photo: "On the road".
To success, I hope.